Get Involved
We rely on the generous support of patrons, corporate sponsors, individual donors and numerous volunteers. It’s because of your dedication that Olmsted Plein Air events are a success! Thank you!
Happy Collectors and artist Hui Lai Chong.
Sponsoring an Award at Olmsted Plein Air Invitational goes beyond the unique opportunity to engage with people in a sought after demographic — a sophisticated and passionate group of art collectors and the nation’s top plein air artists. You will both delight in and have a special bond with the recipient of your sponsored award. Event attendees share your commitment to the arts and the preservation of our community’s plein air movement. Your support will emphasize your commitment to culture, creativity, art education and the history and future of the plein air painting tradition, and help to sustain Olmsted Plein Air's mission.
Neal Hughes accepting 2022 Best in Shop Award from judges Dmitri Wright, Billy Love and Bill Davidson.
Your support will be recognized during the event (if desired). All sponsors will be recognized on our website, in print materials, banners, gala program and the commemorative art catalog to be produced exclusively for this year’s Invitational.
The Olmsted Plein Air is a 501(c)3 non profit organization that is dedicated to nurturing the visual and cultural art education and experience through the art of plein air painting (EIN 81-0836757). Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Corporate Sponsorship
Being a Corporate sponsor has several benefits – brand recognition in select print advertising, electronic and social media, including the Olmsted Plein Air Invitational website and Facebook page. Your company’s logo or your name will be placed on event signage and in the program. You will also receive tickets to evening ticketed events to meet and mingle with the artists depending on level of your sponsorship.
To learn how your company or organization can support this top tier event call today. Phil Cuthbertson 404-474-7309 or
Olmsted Plein Air's patron program is known as FRIENDS of Olmsted Plein Air, an active base of supporters and collectors who strive for the sustainability and success of the Invitational through their generous contributions. FRIENDS support community outreach, education programs, exhibitions and operations. Receive special invitations, discounts and other benefits by joining today.
Olmsted Plein Air is not a single event but a series of meaningful experiences that you can personally take part in. FRIENDS have the opportunity to attend exclusive invitation only parties and be a part of a unique art experience. FRIENDS of Olmsted Plein Air will have the opportunity to meet competition artists, watch them paint, and will receive tickets to the various private events during the competition week of the Olmsted Plein Air Invitational, Master Presentations throughout the year, in addition to those included in your FRIEND level. Additionally, your name will appear on all FRIEND marketing materials and program.
The Olmsted Plein Air Invitational relies on the generous support Friends of Olmsted Plein Air, corporate sponsors, donors and almost 100 capable volunteers. Each are crucial to the success of the Olmsted Plein Air Invitational, plus what fun to be part of one of the country's premier plein air events. With a variety of events and jobs available through out the year, this is the perfect way for budding art lovers and collectors to get involved with the plein air movement and contribute to our charity partners.